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Muons of Poop

Hello cyberworld, I know it has been a while, but can we talk?  Specifically, I have two seemingly unrelated topics I would like to put out for consideration: Muons and Poop.  While at initial glance neither of these seem to be related to the other, however, I hope by the time you are done reading this post I will have at least brought enough to the table for a conversation.  Let's first start off with Muons and a disclaimer that I hate physics.  I (somehow) avoided taking physics in high school (I decided to take organic chemistry instead) I despise the subject matter.  Do not mistake my disdain for the discipline for a disdain for the physicists.  I love them dearly. My brother, who happens to be a physics depends on whether or not he is trying to give me a physics lesson. I only bring this up to say, that if you are hoping for a riveting and educated discussion on physics, do not waste your time reading. You will not find it here, ...

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